Frequently Asked Questions

We have made sure to provide you with the best cars on the market, all that remains is for you to discover the ideal one.

Do i need a debit / credit card to rent a car?

No, any card is not necessary, we accept other methods of payments.

May i pay with cash?

Yes, we accept cash and cards.

Franchise and deposit, what's the difference?
Franchise – is the amount of money payable in case of damage to the car. Not an advanced payment. Deposit – amount that renter provides in order to prove their paying capacity, in the case of renting some cars. A deposit is required in advance, but most rentals from our company do not require a deposit. See the description of each vehicle.
Is it possible to drive car with a UK/EU driving license?

Yes. Any valid driving license can be used in Cyprus.

When will the car be delivered to me?

If you choose that option, after approval, the manager will contact you to discuss the date and place of exchange.

How and where should the car be delivered?

In the end of renting duration car should be delivered to the place, specified in contract. We can also pick up the car from your hotel absolutely free of charge.

How to note damages before the start of the rent?

Every damage part is noted in contract in specialized column before rent starts.

Lost keys / documents - what to do?
Loss of keys is not covered by insurance. Renter is fully responsible for the loss of keys and must cover the costs of its replacement out of the pocket. The only document we provide is a rent agreement. There is no fine for losing it.
How do i know what kind of fuel to fill?

Most of our cars are filled with 95-octane gasoline. But there are some exceptions. Detailed information will be noted in the lease agreement.

Where is the best gas station to refuel a car?

The quality of gasoline in Cyprus is the same at any petrol station.

Is it possible to travel to the Northern part of Cyprus?

No. Unfortunately, it is forbidden to travel to the northern part of Cyprus in a rented car.

A car battery died, or a flat tire, or a breakdown has occurred - what should i do?

In case of any car malfunction and other questions, we recommend contacting an employee of our company in any way convenient for you.

A car accident happened - what should i do?

In the event of an incident (accident), you must immediately contact an employee of our company using one of the methods indicated.

I was stopped by the police - what should i do?

If you are stopped by the police, you must show the rental agreement and your driving license.

Is drunk driving illegal?

Despite the fact that in Cyprus there is a permitted small level of alcohol in the blood of a driver, we do not recommend to drinkg-and-drive.

I have never driven a car on left-hand (left side) traffic roads before, what would you advise?

If you feel unsure on the left-hand traffic, our staff is ready to take you for a short test drive to get used to (15-20 minutes). Your car will have red license plates - this indicates that the car is registered to the rental company. The rest of the traffic participants know about this, therefore they treat such machines with due attention.

Tip 1: At first, you can follow other cars in the stream to get used to driving on the left.
Tip 2: Move at a comfortable speed until you get used to the traffic, then you can move in the general flow.

Where can i find the Privacy Policy?

The current Privacy Policy is located here: Privacy Policy

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